
We are aware that a lot of software packages exist for medical image processing. However, we emphasize the use of machine learning in our provided tools to enable the algorithms to learn from the user's experience. Please find below a list of our freely available software tools for data driven image analysis.

TUM Slide Viewer

Improved Visualization and Interaction

Integrated digital pathology includes interconnected hospital systems for seamless data exchange. This interconnectivity facilitates and drives the adoption of digital tools among pathologists. Our web-based slide viewer for visualization, annotation and AI-interaction serves at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) as their clinical platform for digital pathology, as well as their research platform for computational pathology. Try it now!


Assessment of Tissue Micro Arrays

TMARKER assists in cell nuclei counting and staining estimation of pathological immunohistochemical TMA images and non-TMA images. Read more...