
Integrated Digital Pathology

Integrated Digital Pathology

Improved Visualization and Interaction

Integrated digital pathology includes interconnected hospital systems for seamless data exchange. This interconnectivity facilitates and drives the adoption of digital tools among pathologists. However, many questions are unsolved, for example, how can digital pathology increase efficiency for a pathology department?

Digital Molecular Pathology

Digital Molecular Pathology

How to extract molecular information

Whole slide images (WSI) are commonly annotated for molecular pathology for all kinds of reasons. Can we make use of those annotations in the digital world and therewith access thousands of exhaustively annotated WSI to improve computational models?

Frozen Sections

Frozen Sections

Time-sensitive automated analysis

Little is known about the power of AI for frozen sections, mainly due to the difficult handling and processing of this type of tissue. Still, frozen tissues would benefit a lot from timely and accurate assessments. We study new workflows in which pathology AI can access and analyse wet tissue.

Lung Cancer Segmentation

Lung Cancer Segmentation

Can we segment lung cancer automatically?

Lung cancer can be very heterogenous and irregularly distributed. The exact localization and segmentation remains challenging, together with a proper subtyping. Advanced computational methods show improved detection and segmentation rates, but are still far away from clinically relevant accuracy.